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By: Ralph E. Elliott III

1Enviro Water Quality Restoration,., Jacksonville, Florida

The most common technologies currently utilized in the Ecosystem Restoration process in natural bodies of water that become polluted or begin to undergo eutrophication involve primarily some form of physical and or chemical treatment such as chemical oxidizers, flocculants, activated carbon and zeolites and mechanical treatments such as dredging.

The primary drawback to physical/chemical treatments is that the treatments are based on stoichiometry, or molecule to molecule interactions. As a result, they get very expensive when treating large volumes of water.

Likewise, dredging is also expensive because it is labor and capital equipment intensive. There are other issues with dredging such as final disposition of the dredge spoils, noise, disturbing of the site and surrounding areas, and risks associated with operating equipment in and around populated areas and, of course, the total disruption of all marine habitat.

Modern Microbiology

In recent years “novel bio-remediation technology” has been proven to be not only effective, but, in most cases, very economical, in treating bodies of water. This unique bio-remediation technology takes advantage of nature’s own processes for recycling of the basic elements of organic pollutants and organic sediments and its nutrient related materials back into the biosphere through what are known as the biogeochemical cycles. To accelerate these natural processes bio-augmentation may be utilized. Bio-augmentation is the purposeful inoculation of a system with additional microorganisms that have been specifically selected for their particular metabolic processes and pathways that include denitrification.

The technology has been successfully applied in a numerous natural and man-made water bodies to improve water quality and break down organic bottom sediments while eliminating to pollutants contained therein. A review of several applications worldwide including a river in China, a retention pond in Malaysia, four retention ponds in Jacksonville Fl in response to MS4 requirements and multiple lakes in the United States and Canada as well as a very nasty Swan Pond at the Jacksonville Zoo all with amazing results.

Bio-remediation effects

In these applications, substantial reductions in aqueous phase pollutants were observed including Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Total Nitrogen (TN), Nitrates & Nitrites and the near total elimination of Fecal Coliform and Enterococcus. In addition, reductions of up to 80% and more of the organic bottom solids were observed without the need for dredging and the associated disposal of dredge spoil problems in just 6 months. Additionally, projects demonstrating the bioremediation of hydrocarbons and Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) have been very impressive. No permits are required from the COE or EPA or FDEP to use natural products but some States may require an Environmental Resource Permit (ERP).

Supporting data

Many 3rd Party Studies are available that demonstrated the reduction of organic bottom sediment of as much as 1 to 3 feet during an 8-12 month period. CD’s of these studies will be available. In all cases where bioremediation has been successfully employed a large cost savings of 65% or more over conventional technologies have been realized.

Contact Information: Ralph Elliott, USACE retired, Enviro Water Restoration, LLC. 2725 Tanya Terrace, Jacksonville, Fl. 32223, phone 904-545-0377, Email:

Written by Ralph Elliott (Butch) with extracts from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers documents.

The potential environmental differences between dredging and Microbial Sediment Reduction will be discussed in this paper. Use of microbes does not cause turbidity; does not disturb grass beds; and does not disturb oyster beds. It does not require a spoil area; it does not create noise and it does not require floating turbidity curtain to interfere with boating. Unlike dredging it does not work in a channel but works in an entire water body to get rid of organic pollution and silt that would remain beside any channel if dredged. If you leave silt on either side of a channel it will fill in a dredged channel quite rapidly. Microbes only have an effect on dead organic material so flora, fauna, fish, wildlife and sand are not disturbed.

Dredging is the only way to remove inorganic sand bars and shoals but is not necessary when the material to be removed is organic.
Section 1 – Dredging (extracted from COE public documents)
Dredging is defined in Wikipedia as follows:
“Dredging is an excavation activity or operation usually carried out at least partly underwater, in shallow seas or fresh water areas with the purpose of gathering up bottom sediments and disposing of them at a different location, mostly to keep waterways navigable. A dredge is a device for scraping or sucking the seabed.”
“The process of dredging creates spoils (excess material), which are conveyed to a location different from the dredged area. Dredging can produce materials for land reclamation or other purposes (usually construction-related), and has also historically played a significant role in gold mining. “
“Dredging can create disturbance in aquatic ecosystems, often with adverse impacts.”
Potential Environmental Effects of Dredging
The potential environmental effects of dredging are generally three-fold: first as a result of the dredging process itself, second as a result of the disposal of the dredged material and third, the loss of material while being transported away from the spoil area. During dredging some environmental impacts may arise due to the excavation of sediments at the bed: disturbance of organic pollutants and their re-introduction into the water column, loss material during transport to the surface, overflow from the dredge or spoil area while loading and loss of material from the dredge and/or pipelines during transport.

Depending on where these activities take place, the environmental balance may be affected by either dredging or disposal alone. Once the spoil area becomes full to capacity, it must be allowed time to dewater and then loaded into trucks and hauled to a another area. This final transport can cause, and usually does cause, vast spills on our communities’ roads.

In considering the environmental effects of dredging and disposal, the potential benefits of these operations should not be overlooked. These include the removal of contaminated sediments and their relocation to safe, contained areas, and the eventual improvement of water quality made by the restoration of water depth and flow. There can be significant beneficial improvements from the use of clean dredging material to enhance mudflat and salt-marsh habitats. The extent to which dredging and/or disposal might affect marine features in an environment is highly varied and site specific, depending upon a number of factors shown below:

Factors influencing the potential effects of dredging and disposal
• Magnitude and frequency of dredging activity
• Method of dredging and disposal
• Channel size and depth
• The size (quantity), density and quality of the material
• Intertidal area
• Background levels of water and sediment quality, suspended sediment and turbidity
• Tidal range
• Current direction and speed
• Rate of mixing
• Seasonal variability and meteorological conditions, (that may affect) affecting wave conditions and freshwater discharges
• Proximity of the marine feature to the dredging or disposal activity
• Presence and sensitivity of animal and plant communities (including birds, sensitive benthic communities, fish and shellfish)

Prediction of the potential effects that might be caused by dredging and/or disposal in a marine environment cannot be made with any degree of confidence if these parameters are not known on a site-by-site basis. Generally, the potential impacts of dredging and disposal can be summarized as follows:
• Removal of sub-tidal benthic species and communities.
• Short-term increases in the level of suspended sediment can give rise to changes in water quality which can affect marine flora and fauna, both favorably and unfavorably, such as increased turbidity and the possible release of organic matter, nutrients, and or contaminants depending upon the nature of the material in the dredging area.
• Settlement of these suspended sediments can result in the smothering or blanketing of sub-tidal communities and/or adjacent intertidal communities, although this can also be used beneficially to raise the level of selected areas to offset sea level rise or erosion (short-term impact vs. long-term gain).
The impact of dredged material disposal largely depends on the nature of the material (inorganic, organically enriched, or contaminated) and the characteristics of the disposal area (accumulative or dispersive areas). The potential impacts of the disposal of dredging spoil on the marine environment, such as restricting the disposal of heavily contaminated sediments, is to some extent minimized through the EPA permitting process and by conditions imposed by the permit.

The evaluation of the environmental effects of dredging and disposal must take into account both the short-term and long-term effects that may occur at the site and the surrounding area through transport on the local road systems.
In addition to the environmental effects that may occur as a direct result of dredging and disposal activities, we must also consider the environmental effects that may occur as a result of the physical changes to bathymetry and hydrodynamic processes that dredging makes. These changes can be summarized as follows:
• Alterations to coastal or estuary morphology. Ex: Alteration of sediment pathways and changes to siltation patterns may affect coastal habitats and species in addition to marine life.
• Alterations to water currents and wave climates could affect navigation and conservation interests.
• Reduction of water quality.
Each of the potential effects from dredging and disposal are discussed in the following sections. It should be stressed that there will be few dredging and disposal operations in marine environments where all of these potential effects will be realized.

Dredging: Removal of benthic animals

During all dredging operations, the removal of material from the seabed also removes the animals living on and in the sediments (benthic animals). With the exception of some deep burrowing animals or mobile surface animals that may survive a dredging event through avoidance, dredging may initially result in the complete removal of animals from the excavation site.

Where the channel or berth has been subjected to continual dredging over many years, it is unlikely that well-developed benthic communities will occur in or around the area. It is therefore unlikely that their loss as a result of regular dredging will significantly affect the marine ecology of environments. However, certain marine species and communities are more sensitive to disturbance from dredging than others. For example, dredging where maerl beds (calcified seaweed) or Sabellaria reefs (reef forming marine worms) are present may result in the irreversible damage of these sensitive, slow growing species. These are important habitats, generally associated with the habitat sub-tidal sandbanks, found in only a few marine environments. It is unlikely that such sensitive marine communities would develop in close proximity to the disturbed habitat of a regularly maintained navigation channel.

The recovery of disturbed habitats following dredging ultimately depends upon the nature of the new sediment at the dredge site, sources and types of re-colonizing animals, and the extent of the disturbance. In soft sediment environments, recovery of animal communities generally occurs relatively quickly and a more rapid recovery of communities has been observed in areas exposed to periodic disturbances, such as maintained channels.

Recovery of benthic communities following dredging activities

A review of dredging works in coastal areas world-wide showed that the rates of recovery of benthic communities following dredging in various habitats varied greatly, which is indicated in the following table.

Location Habitat type Recovery time
Coos Bay, Oregon Disturbed muds 4 weeks
Gulf of Cagaliari, Channel muds 6 months
Mobile Bay, Alabama Channel muds 6 months
Goose Creek, Long Island Lagoon muds >11 months
Klaver Bank, North Sea Sands-gravels 1-2 years
Chesapeake Bay Muds-sands 18 months
Lowestoft, Norfolk Gravels >2 years
Dutch coastal waters Sands 3 years
Boca Chica Bay, Florida Shells-sands 10 years

Recovery rates were most rapid in highly disturbed sediments in estuaries that are dominated by opportunistic species. In general, recovery times increase in stable gravel and sand habitats dominated by long-lived components with complex biological interactions controlling community structure.

These findings are supported by studies of the Georgia Estuary system, USA, which suggest that dredging has only a short term effect on the animal communities of the silt and clay sediments. Although, almost complete removal of organisms occur during dredging, recovery begins within 1 month and within 2 months the communities were reported to be similar to pre-dredge conditions.

Other studies suggest that dredging impacts are relatively short term in areas of high sediment mobility. For example, the complete recovery of benthic animals in a channel in the estuarine Dutch Wadden Sea occurred within 1 year of the removal of sediments from this highly mobile sand environment.

Dredging and Disposal: Suspended Sediments and Turbidity

When dredging and disposing of non-contaminated fine materials in estuaries and coastal waters, the main environmental effects are associated with suspended sediments and increases in turbidity. All methods of dredging release suspended sediments into the water column, during the excavation itself and during the flow of sediments from hoppers and barges. In many cases, the locally-increased suspended sediments and turbidity associated with dredging and disposal is obvious from the turbidity ‘plumes’ which may be seen trailing behind dredges or disposal sites.

Increases in suspended sediments and turbidity levels from dredging and disposal operations may under certain conditions have adverse effects on marine animals and plants by reducing light penetration into the water column and by physical disturbance. For dredging, the extent of these environmental affects is near-field and temporary generally only lasting as long as the dredging operations.

General effects of increased suspended solids and turbidity levels

Increased suspended sediments can affect filter feeding organisms, such as shellfish, through clogging and damaging feeding and breathing equipment. Similarly, young fish can be damaged if suspended sediments become trapped in their gills and increased fatalities of young fish have been observed in heavily turbid water.

Adult fish are likely to move away from or avoid areas of high suspended solids, such as dredging sites, unless food supplies are increased as a result of increases in organic material.

Increases in turbidity results in a decrease in the depth that light is able to penetrate the water column which may affect submerged seaweeds and plants, such as eelgrass Zostera species, by temporarily reducing productivity and growth rates. The tolerance of eelgrass to high turbidity is indicated by the survival of a very sparse bed near the turbidity maximum of the Severn Estuary, which is one of the most turbid estuaries in the UK. Although this demonstrates that eelgrass can survive in estuaries with high levels of suspended sediments, this bed declined greatly during the construction of the Second Severn Crossing which was associated with the adverse effects of smothering by the same sediments.

Background suspended solid and turbidity levels in marine environments are highly variable. In many estuaries and bays, background turbidity levels are high.

Organisms in these environments are able to tolerate continuous exposure to high suspended sediment concentrations for much longer than would occur in most dredging operations. But marine plants and animals living in areas where the waters are normally clear may be especially vulnerable to the effects of increased suspended sediments. For example, fjordic sea lochs in Scotland tend to have very low turbidity levels as do the rocky coasts and rivers along the west coast of England.

The degree of re-suspension of sediments and turbidity from dredging and disposal depends on four main variables:
• the sediments being dredged (size, density and quality of the material),
• method of dredging (and disposal),
• hydrodynamic regime in the dredging and disposal area (current direction and speed, mixing rate, tidal state), and
• the existing water quality and characteristics (background suspended sediment and turbidity levels).

In most cases, sediment re-suspension is only likely to present a potential problem if it is moved out of the immediate dredging location by tidal processes.

Therefore when dredging in enclosed areas, such as within locks or dock basins, there is little likelihood that material will be transported to the wider environment and affect the marine features of the environment. In general, the effects of suspended sediments and turbidity are short term (<1 week after activity) and near-field (<1/2 mile from activity). There generally only needs to be concern if sensitive species are located in the vicinity of the maintained channel. In areas with little circulation this affect is considerably greater.

Dredging and disposal: Organic matter and nutrients
The release of organic rich sediments during dredging or disposal can result in the localized removal of oxygen from the surrounding water. Depending on the location and timing of the dredge, this may lead to the suffocation of marine animals and plants within the localized area or may deter migratory fish or mammals from passing through. However it is important to stress that the removal of oxygen from the water is only temporary, as tidal exchange would quickly replenish the oxygen supply. Therefore, in most cases where dredging and disposal is taking place in open coastal waters, estuaries, bays and inlets this localized removal of oxygen is devastating but only for a short time on marine life. However, despite the temporary nature of the effect, if oxygen depletion were to occur during important life stages of sensitive species, such as the peak spring migration of salmon and sea trout smolt (young) through estuary and bay habitats, the effects could be extremely adverse.

The re-suspension of sediments during dredging and disposal may also result in an increase in the levels of organic matter and nutrients available to marine organisms. This can have two main effects:
• In certain cases, such as environments adapted to low nutrient conditions or sensitive to the effects of eutrophication. This can simply be described as nutrient enrichment leading to the formation of algal blooms. These blooms can reduce the surrounding water quality by causing the removal of oxygen as the blooms break down or occasionally by the release of toxins which may disturb marine wildlife. The potential formation of algal blooms in coastal and estuarine areas is generally limited by high turbidity levels and tidal flushing. However, blooms are known to occur in certain marine environments, particularly during spring and summer months.
• In other cases, increased organic material, nutrients and algal growth may provide more food for zooplankton and higher organisms, with possible side effects on the productivity of the marine ecosystem. For example, there is evidence of increased productivity of benthic communities surrounding a disposal site that receives considerable amounts of dredged silts. The beneficial effects are reported to be a result of organic enrichment from the dredged material and due to the stabilization of sediments through the incorporation of fine organic matter.
Dredging and Disposal: Contaminated Sediments
Although generally not heavily contaminated, much dredged material is subject to some contamination. A variety of harmful substances, including heavy metals, oil, TBT, PCBs, pesticides and human contributions, can be effectively ‘locked into’ the seabed sediments in a estuary in need of restoration. These contaminants can often be of historic origin and from distant sources. The dredging and disposal processes can release these contaminants into the water column, making them available to be taken up by animals and plants, with the potential to cause contamination and/or poisoning. The likelihood of this occurring depends upon the type and degree of contamination in sediments; however, some re-mobilization of very low levels of pollutants would be expected during many dredging operations.
The highest levels of contaminants generally occur in silts dredged from industrialized estuaries. If low level contaminants are released into the water column during disposal, they may accumulate in marine animals and plants and transfer up the food chain to fish, sea mammals and eventually humans.
General effects of Contaminants on Marine Life
• When found in sufficient quantities in the food chain, contaminants may cause morphological or reproductive disorders in shellfish, fish and mammals.
• Generally young shellfish and crustaceans (oysters, shrimp, crab and lobsters) are much more susceptible to the toxicity of contaminants than adults.
• Concentrations of heavy metals in most estuaries are too low to cause adverse effects on eelgrass. Investigations into the effects of contaminants on eelgrass and the levels that cause sub-lethal affects are ongoing at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory.
Although almost all dredged silts will contain some contaminants arising largely from the past industrial activities typical of many port and harbor locations, fortunately, the occurrence of very contaminated sediments is rare in the US.

Where elevated concentrations of contaminants are identified in the assessment process, EPA will investigate the potential for direct biological effects on marine communities near disposal sites and may impose conditions on the dredging permit to minimize or avoid such impacts. When very contaminated sediments are found, the means of managing the situation is agreed with the permitting authority and the EPA. Occasionally, when the contaminants in the dredged sediments appear relatively recent, effort may be made to trace the pollution source in the waterways.
Dredging and Disposal: Settlement of Suspended Sediments
Sediments dispersed during dredging and disposal may resettle over the seabed and the animals and plants that live on and within it. This blanketing or smothering of benthic animals and plants may cause stress, reduced rates of growth or reproduction, and in the worse cases the effects may be fatal. Generally sediments settle within the vicinity of the dredged area, where they are likely to have little effect on the recently disturbed communities, particularly in areas where dredging is a well-established activity. However, in some cases sediments are distributed more widely within the estuary or coastal area and may settle over adjacent sub-tidal or inter-tidal habitats possibly some distance from the dredged area.

The sensitivity of marine animals and plants to siltation varies greatly and is discussed briefly below. In areas with high natural loads of suspended sediments, the relatively small increases in siltation away from the immediate dredging area are generally considered unlikely to have adverse effects on benthic populations.

Assessment of the effects of siltation from capital dredging has concluded that some smothering of benthic animals was inevitable.
Examples of the varying sensitivity of marine animals and plants to siltation
• Animals with delicate feeding or breathing apparatus, such as shellfish, can be intolerant to increased siltation, resulting in reduced growth or fatality.
• Maerl beds (calcified seaweed) and coral reefs are reported to be sensitive to smothering due to channel dredging.
• In important spawning or nursery areas for fish and other marine animals, dredging can result in smothering eggs and larvae. Shellfish are particularly susceptible during the spring when spatfall occurs.
• When smothering of inter-tidal areas occur there may be subsequent effects on the availability of animals and plants in bird/fish feeding areas.
Means of Avoiding, Minimizing and Addressing the Potential Impacts of Dredging and Promoting Benefits

Although historically the primary objective was to optimize dredging operations and economic benefits with little regard to the environment, today in most cases dredging projects are evaluated and managed to minimize adverse environmental effects, while still maximizing economic and environmental benefits. There are existing procedures and regulations in place which are generally considered to effectively avoid and minimize the potential for dredging and disposal operations that cause environmental harm, particularly the requirements of the FDEP permitting process. In addition, in recent years dredging has become a more scientific process with greater emphasis being placed on continuous survey of the channels to minimize dredged volumes. Changes in dredging practice and port operations have greatly reduced the amounts of material dredged over the past decade. Improved dredging technology and position-fixing equipment allows more precision which has resulted in real reductions in the amounts of materials dredged and deposited.

In most cases, existing regulations and careful dredging practice are sufficient to avoid the potential effects discussed above and there is no need for further steps to be taken.  Where adverse effects are identified or a precautionary approach is considered necessary, the following actions may be taken to avoid or minimize impacts, many of which are already in place as part of careful dredging practice:
• managing and informing contractors
• timing of dredging and disposal operations
• selection of dredging methods
• reducing amounts of dredging
• promotion of beneficial use
• selection of disposal sites
• monitoring and record keeping

Section 2 – Microbial Sediment Reduction

Understanding water pollution is the first step in reviewing the value of enhancing water quality via a non chemical microbial process.  Understanding the application process and the way the Microbes actually work to improve water quality and reduce organic bottom sediment is the second step.

Water pollution is the result of a higher rate of waste organic loading to a body of water than natures indigenous bacteria can biological remove, as well as the build-up of compounds within the eco system that are considered non biodegradable. Ecological Laboratories, INC’s “MICROBE–LIFT” microbial cultures are specifically designed and formulated to speed the biological enzymatic breakdown, oxidation and removal of slow and difficult to degrade organic waste matter. The matter is contained and trapped within the aquatic environment, to include many compounds erroneously considered non bio-degradable such as long chain fatty acids, hydrocarbons, TPH’s and some chemical compounds that often contribute to pollution. Polluted water contains high levels of organic matter, excessive amounts of nutrients, and bottom sediment. These factors also contribute to algae blooms and odor production.

MICROBE–LIFT technology and cultures differ from most if not all industrial and commercial microbial products in the fermentation process, culture selection, type and culture performance in aquatic environments. These novel microbial combinations are designed specifically for performance in aquatic environments, to meet the goals of water restoration but they are very effective on land remediation as well. They enhance and speed the rate of biological oxidation and removal of waste matter, and recycle nutrients back into the environment (de-nitrification). These novel microorganisms enhance and speed the biological oxidation and removal of waste matter within the entire eco system. They improve water quality, reverse water pollution, and provide a reduction in bottom sediment. The break down and biological oxidation of organic matter within the eco system and bottom solids provides nutrient reduction via cellular uptake, assist in nitrification to control ammonia, and provides a reduction in nitrite and nitrate. The enhancement in biological oxidation within the eco system significantly enhance water quality providing a reduction in Fecal Coliform, Enterococcus, BOD, COD, SS, TSS, combined with a reduction in gaseous odor generation (eliminates odor) and the removal of bottom solids. The bio formulation is non pathogenic, resulting from a multi stage fermentation with no toxicity, no chemicals and no added enzymes.

The culture consortiums predominate organisms are various strains of purple bacterial group, approximately 30 strains, 400 to 600 million per milliliter. These novel microbes function at a high rate of oxidation in aerobic, anaerobic and anoxic environments. They remove nitrate via de-nitrification, and can utilize hydrogen sulfide as an electron donor, to oxidize hydrogen sulfide, elemental sulfur, sulfide, store intercellular and then converted to sulfate which is then
released into the environment to achieve odor abetment in anaerobic aquatic environments. This makes this class of microbes extremely effective in anaerobic oxidation and odor abatement. Purple bacteria and purple sulfur microbes are a novel class of microorganisms termed phototropic bacteria that are capable of using sunlight as their energy source increasing their oxidation functions in aquatic environments and are a key factor in aquatic restoration.

These microbes are selected from the environment, 100% naturally occurring and safe for all environmental restoration projects, with no negative effect on water, aquatic life, soil animals or humans. The microbial technology simply increases their presence and rate of organic reduction to achieve aquatic restoration.

This microbial technology exponentially accelerates the natural biological decomposition of sediment, silts and other dead organic material. It is a proven methodology that has been demonstrated in ponds, lakes, canals and flowing rivers around the world and documented in case studies. It is unique in that it uses only naturally occurring microbes and has no toxic, hazardous or environmental harmful characteristics. The methodology eliminates the need to dredge organic material, preserves precious spoil area, and does not require a dredge and fill permit. We do not dredge. We merely accelerate the natural decomposition processes.

We have found and demonstrated that it is not necessary to dig, dredge, or spoil organic sediment, silt or any other organic material from a water body. Our Team has developed products and processes that engage natural organisms/microbes that will aggressively turn unwanted and intrusive material into CO2 and H2O when encouraged to do so. Our Team is the Distributor for these products to all government entities in the Southeast United States.

Organic sediment uses up drastically need storage space in our water ways displacing precious water eventually into the oceans.

Microbial technology provides a product and process to keep water bodies and water ways clear of unwanted silt, sediment and other organic materials that have hindered or blocked storm water flow, recreation, and navigation. This process has demonstrated that the use of microbes can save as much as half of the estimated costs of traditional dredging projects. It removes the organic material but does not reduce the quantity of inorganic materials that may still need to be dredged.
Understanding the application process and the way the Microbes actually work to improve water quality and reduce organic sediment is the single most important thing that must be conveyed to realize the huge impact that microbial technology will have on our future water way restoration planning and execution.
The products themselves are liquids that are sprayed or dispensed directly into the water way by boat or other suitable equipment. This application equipment is calibrated based on the material and speed at which the work is need. It is sprayed at a rate or density that is calculated based on the required results and allocated time.
The particular microbes we use are natural and are present right now in our water ways. Over the years, man has caused organic waste to overwhelm the natural microbial colony so they are no longer in sufficient quantity to treat the water the way nature intended.
When microbes and a natural stimulant are added to the existing microbes it allows them to overcome the organic waste, re-condition the water column and reduce the bottom sediment. The reduction rate can be controlled by controlling the application frequency and quantity. This is done by simply monitoring the progress and adjusting the application rate accordingly. If a microbe constituent in our consortium does not find the particular pollutant they target in a water way they die and the other microbes consume them as dead organics.
If an extremely polluted water way is treated some media in the form of mesh bags filled with plastic porcupines and suspended on floats can be added. This gives the microbe something to attach itself to in the water column so it can have additional time to improve water quality while its brothers and sisters on the bottom consume the bottom sediment. These would be removed upon completion of the project.
To understand this process, a review of the role of bacteria in the environment is necessary. Microorganisms are nature’s natural purification process, the primary decomposers of waste organic matter in our environment. Bacteria breakdown, digest and remove waste matter as their energy source. The result is the purifying of streams, rivers, lakes, oceans and soils. The biological oxidation process converts waste organic matter all the way to the basic elements of carbon dioxide, water, and new microorganisms to achieve continued pollution control. In this microbial process, the waste is removed via natural biological oxidation.
Nature is really something. These friendly microbes are nature’s janitors that clean up after all living things to include plant, animal, and human waste. Microbe-Lift products can be used as the tool to restore ponds, lakes, canals, reservoirs and even flowing rivers.
Production is proprietary with a novel two stage fermentation reaction process that enhances aerobic, facultative anaerobic, anoxic and anaerobic oxidation. MICROBE-LIFT/PBL’s enhancement process and diverse culture group results in exceptional oxidation capabilities over a wide range of microbial pathways to include high rate oxidation performance in aerobic, anaerobic, and anoxic respiration. It has the ability to degrade slow and difficult to degrade compounds to include protein, lignin cellulose, fats, oils, greases and long chain fatty acids.
MICROBE-LIFT include a wide range of products and technologies designed to meet the needs of lake management and aquatic restoration recovery programs. MICROBE-LIFT/PBL and MICROBE-LIFT/SA are core technologies, and are the corner stone of our success in pond, reservoir, canal, river and lake bio-augmentation programs. These two products increase the rate of organic removal. MICROBE-LIFT programs start with a review of water chemistry and aquatic condition, BOD, COD, TSS, TDS, and other pollutants prior to treatments. Generally this results with a suggested 12 to 24 month program. MICROBE-LIFT products are

designed to enhance and speed water quality and water way restoration programs. The laboratory has a strong technical support staff ready to provide any assistance needed in meeting our water project management needs.
It should be noted, once again, that the quantity of inorganic material will not be changed by the use of Microbial Technology so some dredging may still need to be accomplished.
Range of Potential Environmental Effects
There are no potential negative impacts to the environment that could result from the use of MICROBE-LIFT in a water way. The reason is simply that these microbes are natural and are already there. Nature put them there to clean the environment.
Someone might think that the microbes could get out of control and start attacking organic materials along the banks and under structures.
This just cannot happen. The level of natural microbes in a water way that has “silted-in” cannot keep up with the input of organics and that is what causes it to be choked up and silted in. When we stop augmenting those existing microbes, the level will return fairly rapidly to its original level of microbes. If we continue to treat the water way at a reduced rate we can maintain the clean water and the sediment levels. Other than using this “maintenance level” of treatment, the only thing that will assure a clean water way is to correct the source of the organic pollutants.
Factors influencing the potential effectiveness of Microbial Reduction
Weather such as freezing, excessive rain or flooding could have an effect on the time it takes to achieve the amount of sediment reduction but even those conditions will not stop the microbes from doing their jobs.
Microbial Reduction: Removal of benthic animals
Benthic animals live in the sediments of the water way. They feed off of settling algae, bacteria in the sediments, and other benthic animals. Microbes only have an effect on dead organic material; not on living organisms. Microbes will reduce their food supply but will not otherwise harm the animals.
Recovery of benthic communities following Microbial Reduction activities
As their sediment habitat diminishes the benthic communities simply move to some other areas and as the sediment returns they will also return. They may stay during the sediment reduction process and feed off the same microbes we are enhancing.

Microbial Reduction: Suspended Sediments and Turbidity
The microbial sediment removal process does not create any turbidity. These microbes are heavier than water so most of them fall to the bottom and attach themselves to the sediment. The others attach themselves to suspended pollutants. As they fall through the water column they clarify the water. If the suspended sediment is excessive, we would add floating media in the water column to give the microbes something to attach themselves to and would remain attached as long as there is organic sediment suspended in the water.
General effects of increased suspended solids and turbidity levels
Unlike dredging that is an extremely turbid process, Microbial Sediment Reduction does not cause any turbidity, therefore, it does not increase suspended solids.
Microbial Reduction: Organic matter and nutrients
Since there is no increase in suspended sediments there is no increase in organic matter or nutrients in the water column.
Microbial Reduction: Contaminated Sediments
Some of the contaminants that can be controlled or eliminated using MICROBE-LIFT are COD, BOD, TSS, FOG, PO4, and NH4 as well as grease and oils. It can be used to reduce Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH), Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) and will reduce algal bloom by reducing the TSS.
General effects of Contaminants on Marine Life
In sufficient quantities, all of the above contaminates can cause fish kills, cause migratory birds to bypass water ways, and cause health problems for humans. MICROBE-LIFT remediates all of them to acceptable levels if not totally eliminating them.
Microbial Reduction: Settlement of suspended sediments
Since microbes do not increase suspended solids there is no settlement to contend with from using MICROBE-LIFT.
Examples of the varying sensitivity of marine animals and plants to siltation N/A
Potential Impacts of Microbial Reduction and Promoting Benefits
Since all impacts are positive and none are negative there is no need to avoid impacts.
Although historically the only method of accomplishing a Water Way Restoration Project was to dredge and there was very little regard to the environment. Today in most cases, Water Way or Estuary Restoration Projects are evaluated and managed to minimize adverse environmental effects, while still maximizing economic and environmental benefits. There are existing procedures and regulations in place which are generally considered to effectively avoid and minimize the potential for dredging and disposal operations to cause environmental harm, particularly the requirements of the FDEP and Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory / permitting process. In addition, in recent years dredging has become a more scientific process with greater emphasis being placed on continuous survey of the channels to minimize dredged volumes. Changes in dredging practice have greatly reduced the amounts of material dredged over the past decade. Improved dredging technology and position fixing equipment allows more precision which has resulted in real reductions in the amounts of materials dredged and deposited.
In most cases, existing laws and regulations, permit requirements and careful dredging practice are sufficient to avoid potential effects discussed above and there is no need for further steps to be taken. However, now there is an environmentally safe alternative to dredging where the objective is truly restoration.
With microbial sediment reduction there are no negative environmental impacts. It is clean, quiet, and faster than traditional dredging projects. Using MICROBE-LIFT, there are no permit requirements. While other projects sit on the shelf waiting for permits, Federal Funding, or for statements to be written and approved, the water way can be treated in the same way as aquatic plant control is accomplished and will increase the water depth by 2 – 3 feet in 18 months or less. The removal of the organic material would be finished at a cost of less than half of traditional dredging and be finished long before the dredging permits would have been issued. MICROBE-LIFT will totally remove most contaminants and encapsulate most others. The odors will be gone; the water will be clean and clear; and nature will be back in balance.